Our first College and Career Readiness Committee meeting was a huge success, as we had over 100 members consisting of students, parents, staff, community members, local and neighboring business owners/workers, local college/university admissions officers, and more, collaborating for the two hours. At the end of the two hours, the group identified MANY potential attributes of a Central Square graduate, seen in the Wordle above. If you are not familiar with Wordles, the words that are larger were the most frequently identified words from the entire group. Just looking at that will give you an idea of the attributes that the group of over 100 members felt were very important for students to possess upon graduation, no matter which pathway the students should decide to take. The evening was well organized with committee members seated at 13 tables with a facilitator at each table recording all of the attributes identified by the group. We had 3 rotations where each member went to a preassigned table with completely different table members and repeated the process. The dialogue was very meaningful, especially from the students that were located at every table.
Central Square Board member, Steven Patch, led our entire administrative team through an activity yesterday (Tuesday, January 9) where the entire administrative team had to categorize ALL of the attributes that the committee of 100 had identified at the original College
and Career Readiness Committee back on December 6, but we had to do it in complete silence. If you know our group, you would know that doing anything in silence is extremely difficult for us (lol), but we accomplished it and after 90 minutes, Mr. Patch, led us in some amazing conversations about the attributes and how they are interconnected. Here are some pictures and a video capturing the collaborative work being done. The following link is a quick look at our administrative team hard at work (silently as we were not allowed to speak during this part of the process)
What Now....
Our next College & Career Readiness Committee meeting will be held on February 12 from 5:30 pm-7 pm, and the College & Career Planning Committee will present to the large committee the results from the first meeting, which puts us closer to identifying what the attributes will be that we will look to provide all Central Square graduates. Once they are narrowed down an agreed upon, the committee will discuss ways to incorporate those key attributes into our Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade program.
Talent And Dedication Are Always On Display At PVM High
The following link illustrates just a few examples why Paul V Moore High School is a special place, a place where students are encouraged to showcase their talents and selflessness. We have so much talent at Central Square!!! https://youtu.be/oHvYas61Uuc