Students around the District recently celebrated the first "100 Days" of school in style as many of their teachers dressed for the event. Mrs. Morgan (above) at Millard Hawk Elementary got into the spirit and her students absolutely loved it! These teachers understand the need to inject humor and fun into the learning and that is why our school culture is so strong and student friendly at Central Square.

Our boys basketball team played hard (above) at their playoff game at the SRC Arena at OCC this past Sunday, falling to the Nottingham Bulldogs. The boys fought hard until the final whistle, capping off a season to remember being ranked for much of the season. Win or lose, I was amazed all year by the level of sportsmanship and class that these young men displayed game after game, as they helped opponents off the floor and shook off "possible" bad calls from the referees, never complaining, only giving it their all. You cannot congratulate the team without congratulating and thanking the greatest student section in America, The Flock, seen standing in a flock behind the basket. Flock member and star football player, Jaime Battaglia poses with one of the youngest Flock members at Sunday's game, my son, Tommy.

Congratulations to the Central Square Junior Varsity and Varsity Winter Guards for the placing 1st place at their last event held at ESM this past Saturday. These students put so much into each competition, but that is nothing compared to the long hours of practice leading up to each event. This level of motivation, dedication, and teamwork is truly remarkable. Our Winter Guard is actually ranked 19th in the Country, yes, in the Country! (according to Winter Guard International) Make sure you get out to see them compete, you will not be disappointed. We are hosting the Winter Guard Home Show March 10 at PVM High School. We hope to see you there, but you better get there early because we are expecting another full house.

"Spirit Fridays" are a regular on the menu at the R Diner as the ladies sport their maroon and white to support the District. This is part of a continued effort by the Superintendent Parent Council, led by Mrs. Stringer, to partner with the local businesses to support the amazing students across or District. This is the type of support that makes our community so special and unique. These are great people!!!
"Central Square open house, orientation draw crowds." We were delighted by the turnout as students and parents had the opportunity to explore multiple pathways and career exploration.
This aligned perfectly to the work our College and Career Readiness Committee has been doing.
If you would still like to join this committee, please click on the following link and complete and submit the following brief form:
The remaining meeting dates and times for the 2017-2018 school year are as follows: April 17 from 4:15-6:00 p.m., May 17 from 5:30-7:00 p.m., and June 12 from 4:15:6:00 p.m.
Our new sign located on Route 11 in the Village finally arrived and we are getting a lot of positive feedback from community members. Mayor, Ken Sherman, has done a lot to spruce up the Village and this sign is a welcome addition.
College and Career Readiness Committee Member and 2017 PVM Graduate, Camryn Lawyea, sharing her experiences at PVM and the pathway she chose that has led her to Syracuse University's prestigious Whitman's School of Management. She shared the courses at PVM that prepared her for college as well as the courses she wished she had taken, which was excellent for students in the room that share her pathway to hear. The group reviewed the identified attributes selected at the first College and Career Readiness Committee back in December, and they provided additional feedback so we can finalize the list.

The committee of students, staff, parents, local business leaders, and community members did a wonderful job providing us with detailed feedback regarding the attributes of a Central Square graduate. Although the group has provided us with things we can (and will) change regarding the originally identified group of attributes, the overall consensus was that the group really liked the identified attributes. The finalized attributes of a Central Square graduate will be posted and hung in every PreK-12 classroom across the District. We fully understand that unless we actually plan opportunities to provide students with opportunities to effectively communicate, problem solve, collaborate, etc., then these attributes will not be worth the paper they are posted on. These attributes must be systematic across the District so we have a highly reliable organization.