Our College and Career Readiness Committee, consisting of over 100 members, met throughout the 2017-2018 school year
and has already met twice over the fall diligently focusing on our 2018-2019 goal, which is to increase and strengthen our
mentoring/job shadowing/internship opportunities for our students in the Central Square Central School
District. With a focus on the students at PVM High School, this committee, consisting of staff members, local
business owners/workers, and workers from companies and colleges/universities from the greater Upstate
New York area, did a wonderful job accomplishing last year’s initial goal of establishing the “Attributes/Competencies of a Central Square Learner,” seen here: https://tinyurl.com/Attributes-Competencies-CS
The committee has already begun the process for recruiting quality mentors and job shadowing and
internship opportunities, which will provide our students with firsthand knowledge and on the job exposure to the career
field that is currently of interest to them. Our hope is to either validate their potential career plan, or equally important,
realize that it is not for them once they see what working in a particular field is actually like. We have already been able to
place PVM students in different job shadowing locations and the feedback we are getting from the students
and their parents has been extremely positive. If you or someone you work with would be interested in
presenting to our students, hosting a student for a job shadow, supervising a student for an internship, or
being a mentor, please complete the survey at this link: http://tinyurl.com/C-C-Readiness-Survey
Capital Project...
After the voters passed the Capital Project Referendum on May 16, 2017, that highlighted much needed improvements on
all of our schools and facilities, we have made significant progress regarding the overall scope of work highlighted in phase
one of the project. Several parents and community members have shared positive feedback regarding the noticeable
upgrades that have been made to our buildings and grounds. The Central Square Central School District has not had a
district-wide capital project in over a decade, resulting in a very large scope of work that has taken place during the summer
months when school was not in session. We would like to thank the staff, parents, students, and community members
for being so understanding and patient throughout the first half of this massive capital project, that when completed will
provide our community with schools that are not only safe, but will also provide our students with a sense of pride.
Our Director of Facilities, Mr. Paul Brissette, and his amazing maintenance and custodial crews worked tirelessly to allow
for school to start on time in September, and that was a herculean task, but one that they achieved by working as a team,
and we are all so grateful for their efforts. To view the original capital project flyer (seen above) click on the following link:
To view the progress we have achieved through phase one of the project, view the following link: https://tinyurl.com/Capital-Project-Slides-2018, and to view all information pertaining to the Capital Project, click on the following link housed
on our District website: https://tinyurl.com/Capital-Project-2018

The Citizenship Incentive Awards..The following members of the Greater Fort Brewerton and Oneida Lake Chamber of Commerce donate in the form of gift certificates each month so two students from Central Square Middle School and two students from Paul V. Moore High School are randomly selected that have no behavioral referrals, and are presented these amazing gift certificates from Rosie's Corner (https://www.facebook.com/rosiescorner/), the Brewerton Diner (https://www.facebook.com/BrewertonDiner/), Joa's Pizza (https://www.facebook.com/Joas-Pizza-149499535079715/), and Brewerton Special Tees (https://www.facebook.com/BrewertonTees/). We are blessed to have so many local businesses that believe in our mission "to empower all students to excel in a changing world." We want to thank these amazing businesses for their continued generosity and support for the students of the Central Square School District, which truly exemplify our District's slogan, "As one we rise, together we soar."