Wednesday, October 25, 2017


We are creating a College and Career Readiness Committee at Central Square, and we are looking to recruit parents, students, staff, and local business owners/workers to be apart of this committee.  Preparing our students for college and/or career is essential for the success of all of our students and this effort and focus must begin in elementary so when students graduate from Paul V. Moore High School, they will be prepared for jobs that currently exist, and for those career fields that have yet to be created, but will be in existence when many of our students graduate.

This committee will meet five times throughout the year and we will determine the optimal meeting time once we get a better idea of those members that are interested, but it will likely be after 4:15 p.m. so that our elementary staff members can take part as well.  The goal for the College and Career Readiness Committee for the 2017-2018 school year will be the creation of the District-wide "Attributes of a Central Square Graduate," as well as the continued effort to build strong college and career pathways for our students.  Once the committee consisting of the groups of people mentioned above has identified and agreed upon what the attributes should be, we will then determine what those attributes should look like at the elementary level, at the middle school level, and at the high school level.  For example, if effective communication is a selected attribute, what does effective communication look like in first grade, in fifth grade, in seventh grade, and throughout the high school.  If problem-solving is an agreed upon attribute, then what does that look like at the elementary, middle, and high school grades.  It will be the expectation that these selected attributes will be the focus when teachers plan their lessons, when administrators plan professional development, and when the District engages in strategic planning and when the Board looks at making policy.  We believe that our mission statement and whatever attributes are selected must align to each other.

When looking at our work on our college and career pathways, we are excited to have local business owners/workers leading discussions during these committee sessions, as they have so much experience and knowledge pertaining to many different fields that our students and staff can benefit from.  We feel that this partnership with our local business owners/workers will provide our students with a better insight regarding the world after Paul V. Moore and for those students that will graduate from college, as well as students that look to go right into the career world following their time at Paul V. Moore, and for those students that look to enter the armed forces.

We will be soliciting community interest in joining this committee, and I will continue to meet with the local Chamber of Commerce, the Lions/Lioness Clubs, our local VFW's and American Legions, to further explain the purpose of this committee in hopes to get a good cross section of our community to join.  Like our District's slogan states, "As One We Rise, Together We Soar," we truly believe that the success of our school district and our local businesses are mutually dependent upon each other.

If you are interested, please click HERE and complete the very brief information form and I will be contact you directly.

Please feel free to contact me directly at 315-668-4220 if you need any further clarification.

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