Friday, May 18, 2018

Wednesday May 23rd Community Safety Forum AND the End of Year Schedule

Our second Community Forum on the Safety and Security of our Schools will be held on Wednesday, May 23, at 6:30 p.m. in the  PVM High School Cafeteria.  We are very excited to have the Oswego County District Attorney, Greg Oakes, speak as he leads the Oswego County School Safety Task Force, which I am a member of.  Mr. Oakes has presented to high school students at several school districts regarding school safety, including PVM High School multiple times this year. Besides all the experience he has amassed through his role as the Oswego County District Attorney, he also has the perspective of being a school board member as he was a board member at APW not long ago.  He is also a father of school age children, so clearly he has a vested interest in helping all schools be as safe as they can be.  

Another person that will be speaking at Wednesday's Safety and Security Forum (open to all) is a leading expert in the field of mass shootings, Professor at SUNY Oswego, Jaclyn Schildkraut, PhD. I had the privilege of hearing Dr. Schildkraut present at one of the Oswego County School Safety Task Force meetings and I am thrilled that she is available to present at our forum. Click on the following link to see more information on Dr. Schildkraut:

At this Safety Forum, we are also delighted to introduce our first Special Patrol Officer that we, in partnership with the Central Square Village, have recently hired, Officer Jamey Locastro. Attendees will see that Officer Locastro possesses the skill sets and experience that we were looking for when we decided to hire officers to be in our schools. 

We will also have a representative from the American Red Cross, Mr. Michael Hasenbalg, who will present an outline of the Red Cross Certification training, as this was a suggestion that came out of our first Community Forum on Safety and Security back on March 19, 2018. 

The District has been in talks with Armoured One, as we feel that they are one of the best companies in the field of school safety, and it is a bonus that the service they can provide us is on the BOCES Coser list, which makes it very affordable, as well. We are looking to have them run safety drills for us as well as provide us with a fully comprehensive analyses on all of our schools and facilities, so we can make informed and data-driven decisions on areas that can be improved upon District-wide.  A representative from Armoured One will be at this Community Safety Forum. For more on this highly reputable company specializing in school safety, view the following link: To see them conduct an active shooter drill (will staff only) at Baldwinsville High School, view the following link:

We will also look at all of the suggestions that attendees provided us from the March 19 Safety Forum and we will provide an update on what we have done since that meeting regarding our continuous effort to provide our students and staff with the safest learning environment that we can. View the following link to see Central Square being recognized for taking action in our effort for continuous improvement of our safety and security for our students, staff, and visitors:, and

End of Year Schedule 

For our end of the year schedule, please click on the following link: 

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